About moopadmin

Our objective is to promote a grassroots movement with the ultimate goal of codifying as the law of the land the concept that corporations and similar organizations are not people, do not have the same rights as people and cannot use their superior financial resources to overwhelm the ability of individual citizens to influence their government to act in the best interests of its citizens. We believe that legislative bodies at the local, state and national levels should be free to enact reasonable restrictions on contributions for electioneering purposes.

Upcoming: May 25, 2012

This Friday will be a great day to occupy at the San Juan County courthouse at Second and Reed Streets.

Attendance was a little sparse last Friday, owing primarily to the joint County Council/Planning Commission first touch public hearing on the Fish & Wildlife section of the CAO occurring at the same time.  Nonetheless, our first ever official passersby statistics came out as follows:

Positive response (honks and waves):                         224 for 44.9%

Negative response (thumbs down or “other gesture”):     2 for 0.4%

Oblivious response (ignore or refuse to look):               273 for 54.7%


11:30am-1:30pm (but come and go as your personal schedule & weather permit).

Usual weekly humor:


Upcoming: May 18, 2012

This Friday will be a great day to occupy at the San Juan County courthouse at Second and Reed Streets.

Bring a friend and let’s get some honks & waves for the 99%.  I plan to gather statistics on the relative numbers of positive v. negative v. oblivious responses from passersby, so someone else will have to hold my usual sign (below) and wave while I record the numbers.  I currently estimate them to be 70-80% positive, 1% negative and 20-30% oblivious/ignore.  Check back next week to see what they really turn out to be!

11:30am-1:30pm (but come and go as your personal schedule & weather permit).

Usual weekly humor:

Recognize that guy getting zapped above?







The Obama Economy

So, you buy Mitt Romney’s argument that Obama has messed up the economy?  Made it worse?  By what measure do you come to that conclusion?  Yes, employment is still around 8% and it SEEMS like we’re still in a recession.  But the fact is that the economy is actually growing.  No, not as fast as we’d like it to, but growing nonetheless.  Of course, if you look at the actual data, the top 1% is getting almost all the benefit of this growth while the rest of us just get by.

Now, Republicans and their presumptive nominee want to institute programs of severe austerity, cutting government, laying off workers and lowering taxes on the wealthy.  They say that such measures will stimulate growth and create jobs, but will it actually?  Well, George W. Bush tried half of that (lowering taxes while increasing government spending and employment) and we see where that got us.  And, if you look at Europe, they’re actually trying the OTHER half (laying off government employees and slashing spending) and THAT’S not working either.

Now note the graph below.  The blue line shows GDP growth for the Euro zone – those countries that use the Euro as their currency – and the red line does the same for the UK – which still uses the pound.  Neither of these economies has matched U.S. economic growth (yellow line) since Obama took office.

Now, look at the UK line in particular.  Following the onset of the Great Recession (2008-2009), its economic recovery was seemingly underway … until about 2010.  What happened then?  Why the current conservative government of David Cameron took office and began a program of severe austerity, slashing programs and laying off hundreds of thousands of government employees.  Since then, their economy has faltered, actually CONTRACTING for the last two quarters, which – by textbook definition – means that Cameron’s conservative policies have RETURNED Britain to an economic condition of recession.

So, you’re saying you might actually be considering voting for the proponents of policies that not only almost led to worldwide Economic Armageddon in 2001-2008 but also aren’t working now in Europe?  How many times do you have to touch the hot stove before you finally learn that doing so will burn the absolute SHIT out of you?

Upcoming: April 27, 2012

It’s Occupy Spring, Occupiers. It’s going to be a great day to congregate at the San Juan County courthouse at Second and Reed Streets.

Citizens United must be reversed.  Income disparity is widening at exponential rates.  Women’s reproductive health is under attack. Why doesn’t somebody DO SOMETHING about these issues?  Maybe we simply need to make our voices heard!  Come out and lend yours to the growing cacophony.  The more people we have, the more honks and waves we get.

11:30am-1:30pm (but come and go as your personal schedule & weather permit).